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Veteran and Military Forms

New Student Checklist

Follow this guide if you are new to MSU Denver and the enrollment process.

Tuition Assistance Steps

Apply for Military Tuition Assistance via your branch’s TA application website

Certification Request

This form is required for each semester you wish to receive VA benefits

Primary School Certification Request

To receive benefits while attending another school, students must verify the other school is approved for GI Bill benefits and complete this form. The form must be signed by the student’s MSU Denver academic advisor and then submitted to Veteran and Military Student Services

Military Leave Form

The Military Leave Policy gives student service members options regarding their registration when they are called to service.

Student Faculty Military Leave Form

This form is necessary when an incomplete cannot be issued but the student is allowed to make up missed work after consultation with the faculty member. The military leave form and this form must be turned in together.

Post 9/11 Financial Aid Advance complete this online form to request advance refund of Federal Financial Aid so you do not have to wait for VA to pay your tuition and fees

Chapter 31 FA Advance Form complete this online form to request advance refund of Federal Financial Aid so you do not have to wait for VA to pay your tuition and fees. Submit completed form to [email protected]