14th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference - April 25th, 2025
A Symposium of Scholarly Works & Creative Projects
Friday, April 25th, 2025
Jordan Student Success Building
8:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.Click on the buttons below to submit an abstract or register to attend the conference. The deadline to submit an abstract is March 14th and the deadline to register online is April 18th. You may register in-person (without lunch provided) on April 25th.
Instructions for Presenters
- Abstracts should be between 250-300 words and submitted by March 14th, 2025
- The time and location of your presentation will be emailed to you by March 29th, 2024.
- Oral presentations and performances are 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions
- Oral presenters should remain in the room until all presentations in their sessions are complete.
- Poster presenters should prepare a 3′ x 4′ poster.
- Poster presenters should remain with their posters for the entire session and be ready to give short presentations and answer questions to conference attendees as they move around the room.
- Presenters are responsible for ensuring that they have followed appropriate procedures for human subjects research as outlined by the MSU Denver Institutional Review Board and animal subjects research as outlined by the International Animal Care and Use Committee.
- Each abstract will be reviewed and accepted if the summarized project falls under the category of scholarly research.
- Posters must contain only information on or directly related to the research project that was summarized in the submitted abstract and accepted by the Undergraduate Research & Creative Scholarship Program.
- Only posters containing only information on or directly related to the research project that was summarized in the submitted abstract are allowed on the poster boards/stands and tables.
- The reserved space(s) and classrooms for the poster and oral sessions are learning environments in which presenters share their research. All posters and slides must relate to the presenter’s research as summarized in submitted abstracts.
- Failure to follow any of the instruction will result in loss of the privilege to present and all materials will be removed from the conference.
Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely! Learn about projects your fellow students are engaged in and learn how they got involved in research and creative projects.
Yes, all submissions that have a faculty mentor and that, if relevant, have received IRB approval from MSU Denver are accepted. For more information on IRB, please visit mdpf.rpybbk.com/irb/
The abstract is a 300-word (or less) summary of your work that describes:
- the purpose of your work
- the central research question addressed or concept investigated
- brief description of your discipline-based methods or created techniques
- the findings and implications of your work
Absolutely. Works resulting from collaborations are invited. When a work has more than one author, the group will select one primary author for the conference and only that person will upload the abstract. The authors that are not designated the primary author will still need to register individually for the conference.
Oral presentations are limited to 12 minutes with 3 additional minutes for questions.
Powerpoint is encouraged for oral presentations.
The recommended dimension for a poster is a maximum of 3′ x 4′.
Presenters at the Undergraduate Research Conference are responsible for ensuring that they have followed appropriate procedures for human subjects research as outlined by the MSU Denver Human Subjects Protection Program. The MSU Denver Institutional Review Board is the final authority on this issue, so please refer all questions to them. For more information, please visit the Institutional Review Board website.
Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate requests for specific presentation times. To present at the conference, you must be able to present your work during any of the sessions.
No. However, we understand that during the course of research individuals encounter unexpected outcomes and even some unexpected roadblocks that can impact the findings or the ability to completely address a research question. If, after you have submitted your abstract, you find yourself in a situation where the actual findings of your inquiry lead you to be at odds with what you expected to find, don’t worry — just explain the changes to your audience.
Yes! As a MSU Denver student, you are eligible to present at the MSU Denver Undergraduate Research Conference. It does not matter that your research is done off-campus.
Yes, your supervisor can act as your faculty mentor or an MSU Denver faculty familiar with your work could serve as a faculty mentor as well.
Yes. Alumni may present research they conducted as MSU Denver undergraduates.
The 2023 URC will be held on April 28th in the Jordan Student Success Building. Approximately two weeks prior to the conference you will receive an email that contains your presentation details and time.
The number of sessions depends on the number of registered presentations. The conference schedule is published approximately two weeks prior to the conference.
Each student presenter will receive a certificate of participation.
Why Present at the Conference?
Why present at the conference?
- Impress graduate school admissions committees and potential employers
- Make connections with other MSU Denver student researchers and faculty
- To view programs from years prior, please click here.
Interested in participating?
Talk with your favorite professors and explore potential topics
- Consider presenting scholarly projects/research that you’ve already completed
- Find other students who want to collaborate and, as a group, ask a faculty member to mentor you
- Partially completed projects are welcome. Talk with your faculty mentor to determine whether this would be a good route for you.
8:00-3:00 PM: Conference presenters and all guests sign-in
Jordan Student Success Building (JSSB)
11:30 AM: Lunch – Tivoli Turnhalle
11:45 -12:45 PM: Keynote Speaker
2024 Keynote Speaker

Art is Medicine: Contemporary Art through Indigenous Eyes
Tivoli Turnhalle
Lunch is served at 12:15 pm, Keynote begins at 12:45 pm
Allison Skerrett, PhD
2023 Keynote Speaker
Conference Archive
The first Annual Undergraduate Conference was held in 2012. To view the programs from each conference click on the button below.
Conference Archive