Veteran and Military Student Services

The AACSB-accredited College of Business’ MBA degree is affordable and convenient for veteran and military students.

Here are some quick take-a-ways—

  • Almost all of our MBA students work full time. Meaning there is no expectation you need to step away from your current career to complete our program.
    • A graduate student is considered full time by taking six (6) credit hours.
  • Colorado residents can complete the degree for less than $25,000.
  • We offer some online courses each semester. While we want to see you attend class in-person, we understand our students want to enroll in online and hybrid courses to complete their degree.


MSU Denver is nationally ranked college by the Military Times for many reasons:

  • Veteran and Military Student Services staff on the Auraria Campus
    • University personnel specifically trained to assist veterans and active-duty military in a variety of student support services including: admissions, advising, financial aid, registration, and military benefits
  • MSU Denver’s designation as a Yellow Ribbon Program-participating institution
  • MSU Denver has over 1,300 veteran and military students enrolled in courses
  • Break Pay Program at MSU Denver is a way for military veteran students using GI benefits to fill the income gap between academic semesters
  • The Veterans Upward Bound program spanning five decades of service to MSU Denver students
  • Free academic, career, and mental-health counseling for enrolled students

As veteran and military families continue to value their home and community here in Denver, it is our hope at MSU Denver that our soldiers and families know that their community values each of them. Please allow us to show our appreciation for your service by welcoming you to the MSU Denver College of Business.

Connect with Veteran & Military Student Services

Location: Tivoli Student Union, Room 215

Mailbox: Veteran & Military Student Services, Campus Box 74, P.O. Box 173362 Denver, CO 80217-3362

Phone: 303-615-0044

Email[email protected]
