For the CIS 2010 course the prerequisites are:
- completion of CIS/CS 1010 course with a grade of C or better, or
- appropriate score on the Computer Information System computer literacy screening test.
- CIS 2010 also requires completion of ENG1010, ENG1020, MAT1310 (may be taken as a co-prerequisite) and CAS1010
The test is available in the Assessment and Testing Center in Tivoli Room 347. For their office hours, policies and procedures, and other useful information, check the Testing web site. To make a reservation, call the Testing Center during their regular office hours.
General instructions for the test:
- Part A of the exam has 50 computer concepts questions worth one point each. All 50 questions must be answered within 60 minutes.
- Part B of the exam has 50 Access and Excel questions. All 50 questions must be answered within 60 minutes.
- Scores are available within two business days of taking the test. The scores are arrived at by combining the points earned from both Parts A and B of the exam.
- Students scoring 75% or higher will be able to register for CIS2010.
- Students scoring below 75% may register for CIS/CSS 1010.
- Students may take the test twice in a five year period. Students may not test
twice on the same day.
- Main memory (RAM, ROM, PROM, etc.)
- Firmware/essential business applications
- Types of computers (Super, mainframe, micro)
- What determines computer speed
- Microprocessing chips (types, uses, size, speed, data size)
- Input devices
- Output devices
- The Internet
- E-commerce
- Basic Security and privacy issues
- Reading-writing in English
- Oral communication
- Disk maintenance and backup; file copies, backups; housekeeping; output control
- GUI skills, window manipulation, integrated files, clipboard, cut copy and paste functions
- Windows accessories (WordPad, Paint)
- Basic Windows file and folder management
- Sending messages and files, within and without the domain
- Addressing, uploads and downloads
- Using a browser
- Spreadsheet constants and variables, making a dynamic spreadsheet with formulas and functions, and absolute and relative cell references
- Spreadsheet Charting, graphing embellishments
- Database tables, queries, forms and reports
For study materials go to: CIS 2010 Literacy materials (PDF, part 1) and CIS 2010 Literacy materials (continued) (PDF, part 2).
For study materials on Excel and Access, we recommend this site: Click on Microsoft Office and then on Office 2016 to read training materials and watch short videos on Excel and Access.